Robot cleaners

-these cleaners are by far the best of the bunchAuto robot cleaner

They are self contained and do not rely on an outside pump in order to function

Instead, they are powered by a low-voltage supply produced by a transformer that comes as a part of the package

This type of cleaner has a waterproof cable attached to it - make sure the cable will be long enough to allow full coverage of your pool

Robot pool cleaners do an excellent job of cleaning; as you might expect from the most expensive type of auto-cleaner

At the lower end of the market the various models wander about at random, in the same way that suction-side and pressure-side cleaners do, but some of the more expensive models have an on-board computer that 'learns' the pool shape and sets about cleaning it all in a very thorough manner

Some robots have on-board rechargeable batteries, thus doing away with the cable and allowing the cleaner to be used in a pool with, say, an 'island' bar without the fear of a cable becoming tangled


Other models have a floating antenna for radio-control so that the cleaner can be steered into specific areas of the pool

Robot cleaners have their own on-board motor and filters

Usually the filter is a mesh bag that catches leaves, insects and other particles down to about 40 microns. Any particles smaller than that are placed in suspension in the pool - where there is a fighting chance that the regular circulation/filtration system will eventually grab them

Some models are better than others at climbing the walls and scrubbing the waterline

Very often the manufacturers  have a different set of brushes for each type of pool surface (e.g. tiles, cement. fibreglass, vinyl liner) and theTiger Shark Robot Cleaner purchaser must ensure that their cleaner will perform well on their particular pool-surface

Advantages of Robot Pool Cleaners

  • Do not rely on the circulation pump and can therefore be used at any time
  • Very quiet in operation
  • Robots travel to every area and remove water, thus eliminating circulation dead-spots
  • They are tireless! They carry on cleaning the floor, walls and waterline while you do something more interesting and fun

Definitely the best investment when compared to other types of cleaners

Disadvantages of Robot Pool Cleaners

  • Do not remove the tiny particles - however, these are placed in suspension in the water for the filter to capture (For best results also use Jolly GelJolly Gel)
  • Have mesh bag-filters that need to be emptied and hosed off regularly
  • Are the most expensive type of cleaner

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Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©


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