Cartridge Filters

DE Filter Internal Diagram

- are tanks that hold 3 or more cylindrical cartridges, similar to the cartridges in an automotive oil or air filter, made from a material such as polyester, which trap and hold particles down to about 5-10 microns

They are usually priced between Sand-filters and DE Filters

Cartridge filters require very little maintenance.  You can sometimes get away with hosing the cartridges off 3 or 4 times during the swimming season.  If this is insufficient you may need to soak the cartridges in a cleaning solution

At worst you may need to replace the cartridges, which are usually relatively, but occasionally can be VERY expensive.  When choosing a cartridge filter for your pool first discover the price and availability of replacement cartridges

wikiHow has some good advice on cleaning cartridges, see their advice here

At the Piscinas Exhibition in Barcelona in 2011 we saw a cartridge filter that was huge.  It is designed to be cleaned just once per year and as soon as I can track them down I'll add their information to this page


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Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©


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