Pool Fences

safety fence

- are a very valuable addition to pool safety because they provide a barrier to the water and will keep most kids and pets safe, almost 100% of the time

However, fences can be climbed over and fences have gates which can, and do, get left open occasionally.  We were all kids once and if we wanted something on the other side of a fence we would usually find some way to get over that fence

Denmark once passed a law that all pools must be protected by a fence but, less than 2 years later the law was rescinded - because the number of drowning accidents actually rose!

This rise in drowning figures was attributed to a false sense of security. -

‘We have a pool-fence; therefore the kids are safe.’  - Not necessarily true, unfortunately, and adult supervision is always necessary


pool safety fence

Any type of barrier to the water is an improvement over no barrier at all but to be as safe as possible pool-owners should install a pool Safety Fence

Pool fences can also be fitted with an alarm system that activates when the fence is shaken - as in when a kid tries to scale it

Pool Safety Fence from advanced-pool-covers.comadvanced-pool-covers.com


Swimming pool safety fences have been a major factor in reducing child drownings in private pools worldwide. There are also additional benefits that are not so immediately obvious: -

  • A safety fence cuts down on the amount of leaves and other debris that gets blown into the pool and helps to keep the pool area tidier
  • This reduction of leaves, etc. in the pool reduces the time needed to net the pool, reduces the need to vacuum the pool quite so often and definitely reduces pool chemicals consumption
  • Pets will be far less likely to fall into the pool
  • Wild animals that are looking for a drink will have to look elsewhere -a pool safety fence will keep the majority of wild creatures out of the pool - even birds, astonishingly!

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*We only offer Quotations: - a fixed, agreed price that cannot, and will not, be increased. We do not give 'estimates', as an estimate offers the client no guarantee of final price

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Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©


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