Safety for Kids

- keeping the young ones safe around the pool

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English-speakers call their children 'K I D S' which sometimes translates as 'small goats' or 'young goats'. If this happens in your language please remember that, although we care deeply about young animals, what we mean by K I D S is young humans!


Kids like to play in water and will happily spend all day in the pool if given the ghost of a chance

They do, however, need a lot of parental supervision to protect them from the obvious dangers 

  • Do not allow or encourage a child to hyperventilate in an attempt to swim underwater for longer. Hyperventilation can cause Shallow Water Blackout; considered to be a possible factor in around 50% of backyard pool fatalities
  • Have a set of Pool Rules, discuss them with the kids and get their agreement to abide by them
  • Start a reward system for obeying the Pool Rules - with demerits for breaking them
  • Remove small children from the pool if adults want to play rough
  • Water washes most sunscreen off – keep lathering it on the kids and yourself
  • Alternatively, buy a water-resistant sunscreen
  • Keep objects not in current use out of the pool: - kids will enter the water if they want something that they see floating in the pool
  • Drain and invert play-pools when they are not in use
  • Remove all pool tools and equipment (except the leaf-net and safety equipment such as life-belt and shepherds crook) from the pool area as they are tripping hazards
  • Don’t rely on lifeguards at public pools to watch over your children; they need your help as they are supervising many children at once
  • Don’t force children to participate - let them adjust to this new environment slowly
  • Take your mobile/cell phone to the pool area to remove any temptation to run into the house for ‘just a moment’
  • Replace any part of the pool equipment if it becomes damaged in any way
  • Make a note of the local Emergency Services’ phone numbers and store them in your mobile phone
  • Have a written set of directions to hand near the pool to direct Emergency Services to your home
  • Have these Instructions in the language of the country where you live: - e.g. if you live in France have the directions in French
  • REMEMBER that children must be constantly supervised when swimming
  • The more people in or around the pool, the more supervision is necessary
  • You need to assign one person - a 'swim-supervisor' - who is dedicated to watching the children; and keeps them in sight at all times
  • Even better is if the supervisor keeps the kids within arms' reach
  • If that person leaves the pool area, they must pass their duty to another responsible adult (preferably a sober adult who can swim and who has learned CPR techniques


We supply all plant and equipment featured on this website. All our work is Guaranteed; Parts and Labour

For free and unbiased advice, a site visit or no-obligation Quotation*, please make initial enquiries by email. Tell us a little about your pool problem and include a daytime phone number. Thanks, we look forward to meeting you soon

Note: - Please contact our recommended pool professionals for supply and installation of all pool-related services: - 

Andalusia and the Costa del Sol - Pool Safety SpainPool Safety Spain

Nerja area - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*We only offer Quotations: - a fixed, agreed price that cannot, and will not, be increased. We do not give 'estimates', as an estimate offers the client no guarantee of final price

Share this website with other Pool Owners and Users,  encourage them to read about Pool Safety, learn CPR and help them to save lives, time and money. Please help us to make every pool a safer place - by sharing this information we can cut the number of pool accidents and deaths.  Please also see our FacebookFacebook page

Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©


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