Safety for Pets

Lola from under the water

- keeping Tibbles and Rover safe around the pool

If you have a pet that uses your garden, be it dog, cat, rabbit, nanny-goat, pony or Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Piglet then sooner or later it will end up in the pool - because life's like that

Brief interlude:  When we got our first plunge-pool, at a rented property in Spain in April, 2000 our Boxer dog 'Diva' fell in whilst we were in town buying groceries. We had been gone for a couple of hours so we don't know exactly how long she had been in the water but certainly it was long enough for her to have scraped all the skin from her front paws in a desperate, fruitless attempt to save herself

When we arrived she was almost completely underwater with just the tip of her nose showing. My wife swiftly grabbed a double handful of wet fur and skin on Divas' back and physically hauled her out onto the deck

Poor Diva was so exhausted she couldn't even stand for several hours. We dried her and wrapped her in a blanket and she lay shivering on her side, coughing water from her lungs and vomiting up the water from her stomach - but she survived!

How lucky we were to have arrived home no later than we did because, if we had stopped for a coffee in town, Diva would almost certainly have drowned. She never went near that pool again! She was also very anxious when we got into the pool

Diva had defecated in the water during this episode (and who can blame her?) and so, of course, we had to drain the pool, clean it and refill it - then wait for 2 whole weeks before the water warmed above our personal 'shriek' levels

Animals can drown, too

Ideally, you will prevent your beloved pet from accidentally falling into the pool by installing a pool fence, safety net or safety cover but it could still happen - and all too frequently does happen

If there is no way for the pet to climb out it will swim until it is exhausted and then it will drown

You can train most pets how to escape from a pool by putting the animal in the water and calling it to the steps

This may need to be done a few times before the pet gets the idea and they probably won't thank you for it (especially cats!) but it has to be done

If your pool has no steps consider installing a dog-ramp to aid animals to escape and train them to swim to the ramp

Dog Ramp

Scamper Ramp










          Scamper Ramp saves pets from drowning

Fit a dog-ramp to the side of the pool or to ladder steps to enable pets to escape from the pool

Scamper-Ramp is an inexpensive, effective escape route for your beloved pet and any wild animal that happens to fall into your pool

Scamper-Ramp is unaffected by pool chemicals and is UV stabilized


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Note: - Please contact our recommended pool professionals for supply and installation of all pool-related services: - 

Andalusia and the Costa del Sol - Pool Safety SpainPool Safety Spain

Nerja area - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*We only offer Quotations: - a fixed, agreed price that cannot, and will not, be increased. We do not give 'estimates', as an estimate offers the client no guarantee of final price

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Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©


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