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- a one-to-one, half-day Pool Maintenance Course taught at your own pool - making you completely familiar with your pool and teaching you how to take excellent care of it.

Benefits of PoolSchool: -

  • You will save money on pool-cleaning charges and seasonal maintenance - at least €1000 a year.
  • Your chemical bills will be much reduced, producing further savings.
  • There will be no more algae, lime-scale, murky water, ear infections or stinging eyes.
  • There will be no more being let down by your pool-cleaner the week before a big pool-party.
  • You won't have to trust a stranger with the keys to your dream home.
  • There will be no more green hair! (But if it ever should happen, you'll know how to rectify it).
  • Your pool will be in perfect condition at all times - clean, shiny and sanitary - safe for the entire family.
  • The whole family can learn at the same time - even the gardener - at no extra cost.
  • Receive printed step-by-step cleaning instructions specific to your pool.
  • PoolSchool includes the 100-page PoolSchool Pool Maintenance Book and additional Pool Logbook.
  • Free membership of MyPoolGuru© - your online guide to Swimming Pool Safety, Care and Maintenance.
  • Thus you will save money and enjoy longer-life pool water, a clean sanitised pool with much healthier, lower chemical levels.

PoolSchool Introduction

When you think about it, keeping fifty tons or more of exposed-to-the-elements water in crystal clear condition is no easy task. A pool is constantly under assault from algae and fungi spores, garden debris, rain, sun, wildlife, pets, building/quarry/road dust and a host of other pollutants.

That's before any humans get into the water and add their share of sun-oils, make-up, hair, dead skin, body fats and urine - (yes, I'm afraid people still do!) - never mind the Labrador and the local wildlife!

When pools go bad they can turn very quickly. After a summer storm your pool can become a murky, green swamp overnight. Not a pretty sight in the morning and an expensive mess to clear up.

The pool-owner is left to clean the pool up, or leave it to a professional pool cleaner and, at the end of it all, pay the bill. Alternatively, you could Learn how to clean and maintain your pool to Professional Standards and prevent it from ever going green in the first place!

Take the PoolSchool Course and start saving money - we offer Instruction at Home in two phases: -

Phase 1 - Instruction

A friendly, patient instructor will teach you all aspects of how to maintain your own pool and installation including how to: -

  • Clean your pool and the filters to professional standards,
  • Use and store chemicals safely to prevent chemical accidents and fires,
  • Test your pool water, interpret the results and act on them,
  • Calculate exact measures of chemicals to balance the water in your pool,
  • Use pool chemicals efficiently, safely and economically, to ensure safe but effective levels,
  • Maintain pool tools, pool surfaces and hardware,
  • Maintain water temperatures into late autumn, giving a longer swim season,
  • Prepare your pool for winter
  • Open your pool in Spring
  • Basic pool safety – Pool Rules & Safety Equipment.
  • We label each of your switches & valves, supply quality pool tools, chemicals & pool hardware, as required, and teach you to how to start-up your pool if it is not currently in use.

Phase 2 - Practice & Support

Having taught you all of the above - we leave you to practice with our unique PoolSchool Book containing: -

  • 100 pages of invaluable information for pool owners
  • Precise instructions for changing the contents of the sand-filter
  • Precise instructions for carrying out an Acid-Wash
  • Instructions for Winter closure and Springtime re-opening
  • 11-page water-problem solving guide
  • And much, much more!

We are available by phone or email thereafter, should you encounter any problems or need to ask for further advice or clarification.

When Are The Courses?

We are happy to run PoolSchool for you any time to suit: weekends, early mornings, evenings or at any time you choose.


For most Private Pools, PoolSchool costs just 150 Euros, plus IVA: about the same price as 6 visits from a pool-cleaner (always assuming that they turn up!).

An average pool-owner saves more than this cost in the first 2 months, and then continues to save money forever.

We can teach the whole family at the same time at no extra cost!

We supply all plant and equipment featured on this website. All our work is Guaranteed; Parts and Labour

For free and unbiased advice, a site visit or no-obligation Quotation*, please make initial enquiries by email. Tell us a little about your pool problem and include a daytime phone number. Thanks, we look forward to meeting you soon

Note: - Contact our recommended Pool Professionals for supply and installation of all pool-related services: - 

All Spain and Portugal - PoolSafetySpainPoolSafetySpain - for supply and installation of Pool Safety Equipment


Each of the above offers years of experience, free unbiased advice and excellent, Professional service.


Please share this website with other Pool Owners and Users,  encourage them to read about Pool Safety, learn CPR and help them to save lives, time and money. 

Help us to make every pool a safer place - by sharing this information we can cut the number of pool accidents and deaths.  

Please also see our FacebookFacebook page (and maybe give us a LIKE and a SHARE?)  

Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©




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