- recommended Chemical Levels
pH - 7.2-7.6
- To Decrease Level - Add Hydrochloric (Muriatic) Acid or Sodium Bisulphate (pH-minus powder)
- To Increase Level - Add Alkali or pH-plus powder (Sodium Carbonate)
Total Alkalinity 80–120 ppm
- To Decrease Level - Add Acid or Sodium Bisulphate
- To Increase Level - Add Bicarbonate of Soda
Chlorine (Stabilised) 1-3 ppm
- To Decrease Level - No action required levels will fall naturally but, if the reading is very high, apply Sodium Thiosulphate
- To Increase Level - Add Tricloro
Chlorine (Unstabilised) 1-3 ppm
- To Decrease Level - No action required, levels will naturally decline in sunlight
- To Increase Level - Add Liquid Chlorine
Chlorine Stabiliser 40–80 ppm
- To Decrease Level - Partly drain pool and refill with fresh water - rainwater is best
- To Increase Level - Add Cyanuric Acid
We supply all plant and equipment featured on this website. All our work is Guaranteed; Parts and Labour
For free and unbiased advice, a site visit or no-obligation Quotation*, please make initial enquiries by email. Tell us a little about your pool problem and include a daytime phone number. Thanks, we look forward to meeting you soon
Note: - Please contact our recommended pool professionals for supply and installation of all pool-related services: -
Andalusia and the Costa del Sol - Pool Safety Spain
Nerja area - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*We only offer Quotations: - a fixed, agreed price that cannot, and will not, be increased. We do not give 'estimates', as an estimate offers the client no guarantee of final price
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Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©