- the commonest-used sanitizer in privately-owned, backyard pools. Although it is used in the majority of pools, Chlorine is a poison and the least exposure we humans have to it the better. Fortunately, there are several alternative sanitizers available. Chlorine is an amazingly versatile chemical and production takes vast amounts of electricity - each production plant uses enough to run a small town
The ideal level of Free Chlorine in a swimming pool is between 1 and 3 parts-per-million (ppm)
Trichor (trichloro-s-triazinetrione) contains 90% available Chlorine - the highest of all
- 1kg of Trichlor therefore provides 900gms of available Chlorine
- 10 pounds of Triclor provides 9 pounds of available Chlorine
- Trichlor is commonly available as tablets, granules or powder from any pool-shop
- Powder and granulated Trichlor can be made by crushing or powdering Trichloro tablets (wear mask, gloves and goggles) so there is no need to buy all 3 forms
- It has a long shelf life, is very slow dissolving, and works well in floating and erosion feeders
- Tricloro is best dispensed through a Chlorine Feeder and not just placed into the skimmer but if you don't have a feeder the skimmer is the next best place to put it
- Trichlor can be used for regular chlorination but not for Superchlorination as it lasts too long in the pool
- The granular form can be used as a ‘spot algaecide’
- Trichlor does not require the addition of Cyanuric Acid (CYA) to the pool water as a stabilizer as it makes its own when dissolved in water
- Trichlor is highly acidic with a pH of 2.8 - 3 and can corrode equipment and pool plaster if improperly used
- Corroded metal, usually copper, will deposit on the pool surfaces as a turquoise discolouration and can cause blue fingernails and green hair for swimmers
- It is necessary to add about 350g of soda ash for each Kg of Trichlor used
- Trichlor increases the CYA in the pool water so levels need checking more frequently
- Pools should be partially drained and refilled if the CYA level exceeds 100 ppm
- 35kg of Trichlor will supply the 30 kg of available Chlorine necessary to sanitize a 5x10m (15x30 ft) pool for a full year
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Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©