Jolly Gel - the miracle pool water clarifier!
Jolly Gel - Filter Booster - filters out particles 5 times smaller than sand alone!
You'll be shocked at how effective Jolly Gel is!
Jolly Gel more than pays for itself!
So . . . .How does it work?

Reduces backwashing frequency to every 4-6 weeks instead of weekly.
Backwashing a sand-filter uses lots of costly water, and also wastes the chemicals and heat that are pumped out with that water.
Approx. annual saving of 40m³ (10,500 US Gallons) of water in an average private pool.
How does it extend equipment life?
Here´s where we get a little technical but please read on and all will be explained . . .
Sand-filters are filled with a very special type of filter media - a type of sand called Silex.
Most of the worlds sand is more-or-less round because it has been knocked about in water, causing the rough edges to be knocked off.
Round sand is totally useless in a sand-filter, but Silex is NOT round; its grains have flat faces and sharp edges.
Imagine 2 grains of Silex pressed together in your filter - the size of the tiny gap between the grains determines how small a particle can be physically trapped between them.
When Silex is new it will filter down to around 15 microns (15 millionths of a metre) but after a while all the little gaps between the grains become plugged up with captured particles and the filter must be back-washed.
During a back-wash the water flow direction through the filter is reversed and the media bed is ´fluidized´: - the sand is now in really turbulent water and the grains bang into each other just like on a surf beach!
The result is that microscopic particles of Silex are chipped off the grains.
These particles are much too small to be caught in a sand-filter and much too small to sink to the floor of the pool.
They are constantly recirculated around the pool and, as they pass through the sand-filter, they ERODE THE SAND because they are exactly as hard as the sand they were chipped-off from.
After 3 years or so the erosion is so bad that all the sharp edges are worn away, all the flat faces become pitted and the sand becomes ´rounded´.
The filter is no longer capable of keeping the water clean; so the media must be changed.
This costs anything from $350 upwards, depending on the size of the filter.
When Jolly Gel is used the microscopic flaked-off particles of filter media are caught in the glutinous membrane, and flushed to the drains during a normal back-wash.
The result is that there is now absolutely nothing left in the water for the filter to catch and therefore back-washing can be reduced to every 4-6 weeks instead of weekly.
Less frequent back-washing dramatically extends the life of the filter media - giving it at least DOUBLE the life, and often much longer.
The micro-particles of filter-media also erode the coating of Ruthenium and Iridium (precious metals from the platinum group) on the plates of a salt-water chlorinator cell (replacement plates cost $700 to $1000!), the tip of a pH probe (replacement cost $80 to $150), etc., so removing micro-particles with Jolly Gel will greatly extend the life of these items also.
How can I find out if I have these ´invisible´filter-media microparticles in my pool?
Wait until it´s dark and then switch the pool lights on - if you can see a ´fan´of light - you have the problem outlined above!
Now use Jolly Gel for 24 hours and try again - you will not see a fan of light because they will be ALL GONE.
Your pool equipment will be starting out on its extended life, saving much more money than the cost of the Jolly Gel!
How to use Jolly Gel
Place the cube in the pump strainer basket not in the skimmer.
Run the pump for 24 hours.
The cube will slowly dissolve as the water passes over it.

Then backwash the filter and return to your normal filtration times.
Do not freeze Jolly Gel and protect it from frost.
Important Note
More Retail Distributors wanted throughout Spain and the Islands- please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details
Note: - Contact our recommended Pool Professionals for supply and installation of all pool-related services: -
Pool Safety Equipment - All of Spain and Portugal - - for all aspects of Pool Safety
Nerja area - PoolTechNerja
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Ken Walker - MyPoolGuru©